About us


2016 June 15

History and background

Since 1992 the KASTALIA network has tried to improve the flow of information to those students

of education in Europe who want to look beyond their own university. KASTALIA is a network of 18

institutions of teacher education, with a wide spectrum of subject areas. It covers all levels of

education from pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary up to the research level.

The network arranges both student and staff mobility, perceives and develops professional

teacher-education-student profiles, develops ways of co-operating in different educational areas

and shares academic activities.

The name KASTALIA comes from Greece. KASTALIA is the sacred spring at Delphi, the sanctuary of

Apollo and the seat of his oracle, Pythia. The spring is said to have a divine power of purification

and foretells the future. Pythia used to drink from the clear waters of the spring. Education is like

water, it is a life force, it quenches the thirst for knowledge, and it moistens dry soil into fertile


Future teachers should see their educational work as a spring which diffuses new ideas like

moisture. In the light of internationalization and unified Europe it is crucial for future teachers to

be familiar with and respect other cultures, other educational systems, other methods of teaching.

In the near future, teachers will not only meet people from other nations and cultures when they

travel abroad, but more and more at home, in their own classrooms.

Mission statement

In a world of growing complexity and uncertainty, networking is today even more necessary than

when we started 20 years ago.

However, the values we share today are still the same and we cherish the heritage of Kastalia


Such values are rooted in the strong belief of the importance of education for the development of

societies and the role of teachers’ education answering to the challenges that are faced everyday

both locally and globally, particularly in which respects the defense of peace, human rights, freedom

and solidarity.

Sharing is our key word, because only through this sharing process, those who are involved

(teachers, students, staff) can be more aware and respectful of others differences and

particularities, see beyond themselves and their own reality and enlarge their world vision. A world

vision that is not confined only to European cultures or borders, but it is open to non European


Therefore, the mission of Kastalia network is to contribute for a broader educational corpus of

knowledge and expertise, to enrich the reflection and to promote change in traditional ways of



  • To promote student and staff exchange
    To share knowledge and awareness about educational systems
  • To share knowledge and awareness about best practices
  • To establish cooperation between partners:

– joint projects

– Innovative approaches to mobility. E.g. Teaching practice, virtual exchange, short mobility, study trips, summer school, joint courses and so on.

– Research


  • The network consists of only teacher education institutions
  • A limited number of institutions will be maintained for reasons of manageability
    Each institution must be represented assuring continuity of membership. If an institution is not
    represented for three consecutive years it will be excluded.
  • The representative should be involved in Teacher Education.
  • New members can be invited to join the network after discussion at the general meeting.
  • Information about the Network, its members and details of all participating institutions will be
    supplied through a website linking to relevant information per institution. Each partner is responsible
  • to update its own information every year.
  • The annual meeting
  • One meeting per year to be agreed at the previous general meeting.
  • A clear commitment to the work of Kastalia – in particular attendance at the annual meeting,
    supplying information for Website – is required from each partner institute.
  • The venue is to be arranged in a different country and institution each year.
  • Agenda is the shared responsibility of board and host.
  • Content and theme for the next meeting will be agreed at the previous meeting.
  • The annual programme will be arranged around presentations, group work and school visits and
    cultural outings. If possible the Host institution will give a presentation or lecture on an educational
  • topic or a topic of local interest
  • Agenda together with an official Letter of invitation to be sent beforehand and in due time by e-mail.
  • Place of venue to be agreed two years in advance.
  • Financial implications for host institution will be at minimum : to provide conference room,
    coffee/tea, printing and copying.


  • 3 members
  • To be (re)elected every third year.
  • Board members share responsibilities and point out a chair every year.
  • Chair decides in case of urgency, but with as much consultation with board and members as possible
  • A board member takes over in case chair is not available.