Portugal - University of Algarve

At the University of Algarve we have had a vast experience of receiving international students from several european and non-european countries.

In the field of Teacher Education, at the School of Education, there aren’t any specific courses for international students, as they may join any course that is relevant for their studies. Whenever necessary, the teachers of the several courses adapt the contents and the methodology to the needs of the students, by preparing tutorials in English, or summarising the main ideas of the lessons.

We enclose the links to the main wepage of the University of Algarve and the School Education (In Portuguese only) where you may find all the relevant information for potential candidates to mobiity at the University of Algarve.

The contact of the mobility officer at our school is Professor Rosana Durão

Professor Leonor Borges ( and Professor Isabel Orega ( are also available for any additional information and to aid the process of mobility.
