
Author citations are often an important indicator of an individual researcher’s success. The number of citations received by a particular scientific publication serves as a measurable measure of the usefulness of the work and is evaluated empirically through citation analysis. Citations provide appropriate recognition for previous research, show the connections between the cited work and previous contributions in the same field, and serve additional functions such as evaluating the qualifications of a project leader. From a librarian’s perspective, citations guide users to sources where they can gain a comprehensive or expanded understanding of the topic covered in the publication.

You can check authors’ citations in the SICRIS database.

In addition, you can check an author’s citations in the database using the following link by entering the author’s unique ID. You will then receive a list of works in which the author is referenced, as well as information about citations in other works. Please note that not all authors are included in the database below.

Generate citations – Reports:
