Methodological support for scientific research

Useful links and information that can help you with your scientific research:

Name Description

Licensed statistical data processing software, available to all UM staff.

Access the licence here.

For more information on the licence, see the Software Licence section.

Students of the UM PEF should contact Dr. Tomaž Bratina ( regarding SPSS.

Laerd statistics

Using SPSS with instructions and explanations on the different statistical tests. Suitable for use in bachelor’s and master’s theses, doctoral dissertations, conducting research, etc.



Open source software for various statistical analyses, including latent growth curve analysis and structural equation modelling (SEM).


Video instructions


JAMOVI open source software for various statistical analyses.

Instructions for use


Statistical software for more complex statistical analyses (EFA, CFA, SEM, MAM).

Access for UM PEF staff.

Anaconda Anaconda (Continuum Analytics) allows you to install large-scale packages for working with datasets in Python tools. Students and staff have access to a free academic licence for Anaconda add-ons (Anaconda Academic) by logging in with their university email._

Endnote is a reference management and citation tool that makes it much easier to find, organise and share references. Writing articles and other works is made more comfortable thanks to the functionalities it offers:

  • collecting information from electronic and traditional sources,
  • organising references according to your own needs,
  • finding a suitable scientific journal to publish your article (Match),
  • creating references according to different citation standards (APA, Chicago, Harvard…)

More info

Access: ICT coordinator at UM PEF, Jože Brecl (02 22 93 865), e-mail:

Electronic libraries for researching references and preparing PhD disertations

You can choose among various electronic libraries (databases) to search for references depending on your research topic. Below are some of the most commonly used databases for the social sciences and humanities.

You can access all the following databases here.

Recomended databeses for PhD disertation theses:


Web of science

          ProQuest Disserations and Theses Global


Optional databases are:



Taylor and Francis Online


ScienceDirect (Elsevier)




Create a researcher identity on the ORCID portal to increase visibility and networking among researchers globally.


Atlas.ti is a licensed qualitative data analysis software that enables coding, categorisation and other analyses of texts, videos, etc. Several licences are available for UM PEF staff.

Contact: Dr. Marta Licardo (

Students can use the trial version of Atlas.ti or purchase a student licence.


Financial support of the research activities
  • Financial support for staff planning to publish in a scientific journal classified in category A”
  • Financial support for staff members planning to publish in an open access scientific journal classified in category A”
  • Information on vouchers for funding (APC) for open access publications

Contact: Dr. Marta Licardo (



Information on vouchers for funding open access publications in Slovenia

Lectures on Open Access
