Preskoči na vsebino



Office phone: +38622293686

E-mail address:

Office: 1.12/2

For the times of the office hours, please visit the following link:

Main areas of research or artistic interest

  • Artificial intelligence in education
  • Developing early mathematical concepts
  • Parental involvement, homework
  • Technology in mathematics education
  • Developing a mathematical identity as a teacher

Participation in associations, editorial boards, artistic institutions and other institutions

  • Development Group for Mathematics of the Republic of Slovenia, 2010- ; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2008- ; Association of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia 1992 – ; Member
  • SEMT (Symposium in elementary mathematics teaching)- Programme Committee
  • Perspectives on Teacher Development and Research – Programme Committee
  • Kastalia – Network of Faculties of Education
  • International Conference on Learning and Teaching Mathematics, 2012 – ; International Congress: Year of Youth, 2010 – ; Symposium in Elementary Mathematics Teacher, 2019 – ; Programme Committee;
  • Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Journal of Elementary Education, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal; reviewer


Honours and Awards

  • 2021 Award for Outstanding Professional Achievement – Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor
  • 2020 National Award for Outstanding Achievement in Education – Ministry of Education, Sport and Science of the Republic of Slovenia.


Participation in research or artistic projects

  • SETCOM Supporting Environments for the Promotion of Transversal Competences in Education, 2022-2024, Norwegian Financial Mechanism and Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development of the Republic of Slovenia, leader.
  • TeMaTeSiTu Teaching mathematics using technology in Slovena and Turkey, 2023-2024, ARIS, leader.
  • Effective Education for Green and Digital Transition, University of Maribor, 2022-2025.
  • Renewal of educational programmes through the renewal of key curriculum documents (kindergarten curriculum, curricula and skills catalogues), 2022-2025. http://xn--https-ix3b//
  • EXPERT Educational eXplanations and Practices in Emergency Remote Teaching, 2021-2023, Erasmus+ – KA 201, leader.
  • TIMSS Trends in Mathematics and Scene Study, 2003- , Institute of Education,
  • INOVUP, Innovative Learning and Teaching for Quality Graduate Careers and Excellent Higher Education, 1 October 2018-30 September 2022, University of Maribor,
  • NA-MA POTI, Science and Mathematical Literacy, Promoting Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, 11.4.2016-30.6.2022, Institute of Education,
  • PROBSOFCLIL – Problem-based Soft CLIL for non-English language teaching in grammar schools, 2018- 2021, University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Trnava, Slovakia, 2018-1-SK01-KA201-046316,
  • DIDAKT. UM, Integrating the use of ICT in the higher education teaching process. 1.4.2017-30.9.2020, European Social Fund, Ministry of Education and Sport, University of Maribor.
  • PIKT. UM, Innovative and Flexible Forms of Teaching and Learning in Pedagogical Study Programmes, 1 May 2017-30 September 2018, European Social Fund, Ministry of Education and Sport, University of Maribor.
  • Erasmus+ Doll has a soul, 2017-2020,
  • PKP, Development of interdisciplinary materials for the teaching of German in the second trimester of primary school, 1.2.2017-30.6.2017, European Social Fund, Ministry of Education and Sport,
  • Embracing Words, project to promote family literacy, 2016-2017, PEF, FF UM, ZPMS
  • E-textbooks focusing on science subjects in primary school; 2011-2014; European Social Fund, Ministry of Education and Sport,
  • E-schooling (2008-2013), E-schoolbag (2014-2016), European Social Fund, Ministry of Education and Sport
  • Formation of teacher Identity during teacher education; 2011; University of Lapland
  • Development of Science Competences; 2008-2011; European Social Fund, Ministry of Education and Sport,
  • DIDIKTA Analysis and development of ICT didactics in teaching and learning mathematics; 2008-2010; A

