The beginnings of higher education in Maribor are closely linked to teacher education.

1859 Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek transfers the seat of the diocese from St. Andraž in Carinthia to Maribor and shortly thereafter announces the establishment of the Slovenian Theological College.
1863 A two-year teacher training school is designed
1888 The school groows into a four-year school
1961 As the first high school in Maribor, the Academy of Education was founded
1986 The Academy of Education is renamed the Faculty of Education
2006 The Faculty of Education is being transformed into three new faculties: the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

The Regular School Sisters’ house with the teacher’s building, picture postcard, from around 1911 (Greetings from Maribor. The city in old postcards between 1892 and 1945, Maribor 1992). Now IIIrd Gymnasium Maribor.

The Academy of Education immediately after its construction in 1979.

Source:  http://www.mariborart.si/spomenik/-/article-display/pedagoska-akademija-maribor
